Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pork without looking yellow

"... And so on and so on ... ah, and so on." His hands were handcuffed, the whole body shaking takes a shock like, beg for mercy: "The Chiming, have something to say,

have something to say!"

Yang Zhiming remove the black glasses, looked at the oriole.

"Gee, A Huang, really can not see, so you hurt your wife, ha ha!"

Yang Zhiming said that was such a pork green yellow face, looked at Yang Zhiming jitter across the fence on the left arm, heavy swallowed, humble about her: "Zhiming,

what words to say, say You see ... ... Can you please put up Xiaoying. "

Pork without looking yellow, the glasses on his pocket, it is the gentleman looked at Lin Ye, reported a very sunny smile and bowed.

"Forest officer, you see how?"

The way the body more than 45 ° backward tilt

And Mr Chen is deliberately removed from the pocket of his trousers cigarettes and matches, leisurely and lit it.

Cracking is heard, in the quiet corridors, the long time given rise to match the sound echoed.

Kam Tiger Shark Water Chapter 11 aged pastWill be in the hands of burned matches lying on the floor, across an arc steadily fell on the ground, one side, forest leaves

and pork yellow oriole heart thumping, the whole floor is filled with the screams of oriole .

Yang Zhiming sneer, looking at the side of the oriole is writhing body.

"My hand can not have long supported, and if your wife be so frustrating, no wonder I can fall Oh?"

Like a foxlike eyes staring at the pork yellow eyes narrowed to Wong Lin Ye and pork chilling.

Due to inertia, wearing black shoes pork yellow, from the shrill sound of friction, dragging a long black line, the way the body more than 45 ° backward tilt,

swelling, bloodshot eyes, cheeks drum drum, red in the face.

Black ... ...

An anxious, sits down pork yellow corridor on the whole person, the whole floor of the police station were startled.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The clear eyed glances can not help but draw on the addition of a woman

The above picture is a graceful and beautiful under the pear tree women, and that painters are very vivid, as if to see that smile and elegant woman also seems clear that body of water in the eyes of the eyes.
The original is next to the words there is a Butterfly in Love:
Bi rain the night sky
Smoke lock my window
Anan lonely wind
People are still felt cold and unlined
If his life alone with Emily v.
Mei quiet reflection shallow wake
Light eyebrows look
Fashion makeup laugh
Yun Hai-Chang Wang in width
Wanlv Acacia pain Such is Life
The date is inscribed above fifteen years ago, so quite a strong love poetry, the clear eyed glances can not help but draw on the addition of a woman.
Plum makeup
Harbor doubts that she will roll back to the original painted look, and then out of that study.
Just the woman is eyes, and that poetry is also constantly moving the clear mind of the circle, christian louboutin shoes on sale think of this painting and literary grace Murong Kam are so superb.
Can not help on the clear understanding that he has a new and Yang Jin in her view is unfathomable to t

But it is can not help but return to their desks

The clear is also little secrets of their interest in casual eye it looked this study, and she remembers it came in time to see the gilt plaque outside reads, pure heart and the words fast.
Vice scroll on the table she saw the half-open, the volume should be put louboutin sale color yellow for a long time, although do not see the whole picture, but the exposed part can see the painting is a woman is skirt.
Next to the inscription, only to see the inscription, Jin Xuan children gifts.
Painted on the woman? ②
Qingqing not help but wonder, this painting for so long, but without any folds or a dirty place.
Look out has always been cherished and carefully.
But he is still called the Mu Qude snow people, and if that does not have a side of the palace where Princess and the concubine is name in word with a spin.
Is it his first love?
,d Man the clear cold of this past violations, full of curiosity.
For a day so cold as a mountain man, and occasionally may also wish that the warmth of the sun in the far distance on the ice, this ice can not be fully resolved.
Attendants in the ears Murong Jin finished, he commanded Road wavefront micro-switch, "to pull the horse out to the king, the king immediately went." Is more anxious to see a thing.
He hurried on the clear account of the sentence, "Aug. 15 to prepare the dinner you had a good look, if it is not appropriate to do several sets of clothes. What is not to find jewelry you purchase housekeeper."
They are also gone out.
He hurried to leave the clear looking back, did not know he made her clothes, is concerned about her? I am afraid to give him or shame?
See him just now, is already feel so cold, as if that night, that gentle breast.
After all, the clear for the first time, although only a mistake, but still people like that memorable.
She see him go far, but it is can not help but return to their desks, gently draw it open.

I saw him as his valet came in

He sort of dignity have the feeling of being touched, ever said a woman in front of him, how come you do not like, I do not how to threats.
He sounds a little low road, "said the king was reluctant to speak the second time!" Seems to be an approximation louboutin shoes of the clear cold air.
But the clear at this time does not show weakness, it is still slightly upturned her fine proud head, do not avoid Murong Kam some angry eyes.
Painted on the woman? ①
Jin suddenly reached Murong chin firmly pinch the clear channel, "Some things, you know, the better! Also, if you will sooner or later leave the palace, but you have my child, is my woman! I will not throw you in danger, you are so stubborn if more, sooner or later to your own harm. "
My woman, that Kam Murong blurted out, although the second day of the wedding, he called to tell him on the front of this without the woman responsible for her, said he will not responsible.
But now looking at her clear eyes and full of stubborn, he was blurted out "I am woman."
So let her safe and sound, is a man to a woman is responsibility.
Although he was cold words, but do not know how the clear mind of a hint of warm.
These days, the face of all the unfamiliar, is one person she insisted, and he will say that she is his woman, does not throw her in danger.
She remembered the night she was unconscious, he keep her for a night.
In fact, he seems to have not looked so cold and Jieao.
Then suddenly someone knocked on the door outside the Road, "princes do you?"
He let go of the grip of the clear, cold channel, "Come in, the King."
I saw him as his valet came in, see the green is climbing in the ear in some Murong Kam whisper.

And this woman in front of him to say no

Because, fearing the birth conferences and toffee, and some against, and therefore has yet to establish reserve.
Just waiting for a hundred years, announced Testament.
May have to change as sudden as the Prince established the Murong Xu.
Although everyone is puzzled, but Murong Kam is a filial son, Although he resigned, but since this is the decision of Fu Huang he would respect the.
Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet ④
The clear words seemed to his mouth to see him what meaning, and then asked, "Zhao Royal Highness, can you tell me exactly how this party was? Let you be so upset."
Disturbed, she is so Murong Kam describes the mood now.
Kam Road Murong frowned slightly, "How can upset the king!"
The clear but it is a single word of the Road, "First of all, if just an ordinary party to Chao Wang Yeh you just said, I went to just eat and drink, even if I do not know the palace rules again, should not stir up any trouble, so you will not be my prince to call Daoshufangli told, and secondly, you let me christian louboutin shoes on sale follow Toffee, I am afraid that this will affect the potential threat to me, followed by toffee would be relatively safer. "she was a Zhao Royal Highness seems to be a relationship between them, as clearly written.
Her analysis of the scheme of things, but things just Murong Kam guess.
Murong Kam, "You do not think about, but relatively large palace, the king of chaos you take the fear out of it any accident." He finished the clear simple explanation of the mouth of the "disturbing."
Despite the clear know, things are not so simple.
She wanted to speculate on its own be sure to ask her on that point.
So Buyiburao then added, "If you are not clear to me, I do not go back!"
This is the first few times, and this woman in front of him to say no, so strong.

And his illustrious military exploits there

Although a total of thousands of troops Gyeonggi, it can be the captain of their friendship with Murong Kam great deal, and there was the heart of Emperor Yong Li Murong Kam.
I,m afraid, the emperor think this is a threat, what will make it against him.
Clank of the man he,d not afraid, but he already has an agreement with the clear full moon, she can leave the child.
What if the accident occurred, he felt he was acting in bad faith.
The clear nodded, "Oh." She looked at the brow has been slightly Murong Jin Zhou Zhao, they do not want to provoke him, she always felt that if the man was angry, mixed up and down the kind of dignity that comes out, people did not dare to provoke.
Murong Kam much to ask to see the way she, in turn, said, "Remember, when you follow the mother to the Princess."
Princess Mother together with the clear but it seems christian louboutin cheap safe point.
However, there is the palace compound, after all, the emperor said that the operator of the place.
Although even if against them, also need to apprenticeship famous.
Over the years, he pretended to light obscure idle princes Tao, let down our guard, but he can clearly feel, the emperor he has a strong on alert.
But soon he began to reign, there is no full-fledged military power to the point where he can be won.
After all, that military power is bestowed by the late emperor.
In fact, when Fu Huang is his favorite, and storage has been left vacant, and his illustrious military exploits there.
Can be but in Jiabeng Princess before the humble grounds of his mother, the album established the Queen is son.
May be well known, when the master Fu Huang Fei Hui Gong also known ancestor married the addition can not go against, although not stand for the post, the two phases and it is of band, very loving.
The Murong Kam childhood intelligence, good riding and shooting, game rolls.
Fu Huang also has him as his successor in the culture.