Monday, February 21, 2011

Golden Gate Bridge stands in Golden Gate Bay

San Francisco is an important international trade center and the U.S. West Coast financial center. financial and banking is an important fashion belts pillar of its economic development. CHEVRON and many large companies headquartered here, an industry. attracts nearly 1.6 million tourists. San Francisco, and Paris more than a dozen world cities have formed friendship. San Francisco and Shanghai became sister cities in 1980.
In recent years, the two cities in economic, trade, culture, science and technology and other fields continue to make new progress. .Golden Gate Bridge stands in Golden Gate Bay, was founded in January 1933, opened in May 1937. 2.7 km long bridge, the bridge tower 224 meters, 30 meters deep bridge piers, cost 35 million U.S. dollars, were used 100,000 tons of steel, 630,000 cubic meters of concrete. 22,000 tons of heavy steel cable, steel wire rope used in a total length of 80,000 miles, can be three weeks around the equator. Swing Bridge is 27 feet, can withstand 100 miles per hour wind speed. Golden Gate Bridge one-way toll collection, three dollars per vehicle. to 1971 bridge-building principal and interest has been paid. The largest contribution to the construction of the bridge than Joseph.

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