Monday, February 21, 2011

People call it so

Strauss, chief engineer. After decades of effort, he overcame many obstacles, was able to fund-raising bridge. in the process of bridge-building killed 11 staff members. until leather belts October 1993, a known suicide jump of more than 1,000 bridges. Golden Gate Bridge is completed is the world is longest suspension bridge, its magnificent is unmatched. gone through Oct. 17, 1989 8.1 earthquake intensity, the Golden Gate Bridge is still intact. Paris-Paris .Huadu, Paris, people call it so .
from a Roman building has been two thousand years of history, and later baptized by the modern era of the Second Empire, long years fashion belts of stored up in the history and culture, amenities, quality of the people to the modern perspective of Paris, it is fashion, civilization, art, palace synonymous with knowledge, so that Paris usually referred to as the right bank area of Hebei, Henan, compared with the left bank side. than the right bank to the left bank of the long history, but without the right bank of fast development. .history of the royal forces in the evolution of the right bank smuggle money, power, and the formation of the Paris financial, trade and consumption centers, growing era of prosperity set, erosion, mature and elegant all in one.

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